Friday, January 8, 2010

Scholastics Candidate: Giselle Martinez

Art is what makes the old into new; it is what keeps life fun and exciting. It can transform a plain old book bag into something fashionable, or at least, into something that would make you smile every time you see it. Art brings into existence the thoughts, ideas, and images that dwell in your head. It is what creates people and places that can never be found. It relieves the stress from daily life, bringing peace to the heart. Art frees your dreams without regret for laziness. It is what holds together my dreamlike life.
All my creations are made to fulfill my own ideas, taste and enjoyment; therefore,
others reactions to my artworks usually do not interest me, unless I made my
projects under the original assumption of creating specifics reactions in the
viewers. However, in any case, it is always pleasant when someone considers my
work to be beautiful and reach their own interpretations from it. The greatest
surprise comes when viewers create their own stories from it, in this case, my
art pieces become the seed for new creations.
Most of my Portfolio shows my two favorite themes: fantasy and dreams. They intertwine in my head as a harmonic combination; when I think fantasy I visualize dreams and when I think of dreams I may end up with a fantasy, there are no delimited frontiers between them. They always go together, like the stars and the moon in a clear night sky.
I choose the works of art according to my feelings; giving freedom to my eyes to gaze upon them, granting my senses the right to evaluate the way they like, and then, ending the game of being selective, just pick my own submissions.
-Giselle Martinez

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